Friday, March 25, 2011

"My interview with a classmate"


1.) Do you like school?
2.) What do you do in school?
Do work
3.) Have you ever skipped school?
Of course not
4.) What are your favorite subject?
English class
5.) Are you in a team?
I'm not
6.) Where you born somewhere else?
No, I was born here
7.) What do you do in your free time?
Draw at home
8.) Do you use the bus?
Yes, I do
9.) Who is your favorite teacher?
10.) Do you stay after school?
No, there's nothing to do
11.) Do your parents love what you do?
I think so
12.) What is your favorite sport?
Soccer and a few other sports
13.) Have you ever done something bad?
I think so
14.) What do you want to be when you grow up?
A photographer
15.) Do you want to go to college?
I do
16.) Do you have a job?
No, I don't
17.) What is your favorite type of movies?
Comedy and a few others
18.) What kind of a person are you?
Nice and caring
19.) Do you believe in a God?
Yes, I do
20.) Do you make good grades in school?
Yes, I think so

"Interviewing skills"

Assignment #1
Topic: School Uniforms:
I would interview the principal of the schools and ask them the same questions.

1.) Why are you making kids wear uniforms?
2.) Won't the school lose money for the uniforms?
3.) Have you ever thought that the kids would think this is good?
4.) Have you even asked the students if they want to wear uniforms?
5.) Who ordered that the kids should wear uniforms?
6.) Are you trying to make money by selling uniforms?
7.) Will the students wear anything with color?
8.) Do you think that students would fight so they can wear whatever they want?
9.) Will you make students wear shorts or pants?
10.) Are you gonna make students wear collar shirts or jackets?
11.) Is there anything else are you gonna change about the school?
12.) Do you think parents would agree with you?
13.) Are you okay with all of this?
14.) Will this happen in every school the district owns?
15.) Is the district in charge with the changes?
16.) Will teachers need to have some kind of uniform?
17.) What are the consequences if the students refuses to wear the uniforms?
18.) What if students are allergic to the uniform? Do they still have to wear it?
19.) Will students be able to wear jewelry with their uniforms?
20.) Are the uniforms flammable?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Sport/Action more details"

Name of photographer: Alyssa Schukar
General focus of portfolio: Eating disorder
Problems judges note with portfolio: pictures of distance past, people should be doing something, and all the photos are the same.
2 things the judges like: the background, and the shadows.
I think that these photos are great because the photographer has a talent of what kind of photos she should take. I like the photo where the photographer uses viewpoint to take a photo of people in the streets in the dark on the roof. There isn't anything I don't like about the photos.

What did the judges note as strength:creativeness, and good composition.
What you see as strengths and weaknesses: it has good composition and the weakness would be the photos were too photoshop.

What process did the judges went through in deciding the winner: whether the photos are strong, the overall stories, and lighting.

Part 2

A photo that you agree with the judges: I agree that the backgrounds look great and how the angle it is.
Describe one photo that you do NOT agree with the judges on. Explain why you think the judges are wrong.

"Japanese Earthquake"

I feel really sad for these people since they have no homes and lives have been lost. I feel awful that they have to live in a crowded place with not that much food when some people don't care and don't do anything about it. I can see that the photographer used Rule of Thirds for most of the photos he/she took.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

"Touching people blog"

1.) I think this project and the photo essay is interesting and weird because people touching strangers is a creepy thing.
2.) If a photographer asked me to help him take a photo by touching a stranger, I would say no because I dodn't want to touch some random person who I don't know because I think its a bad idea.
3.) I think people taking photos of strangers is a little fun and funny but awkward.
4.) I think that the photographer used almost all the rules to make all the photos that he has done.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

"Cool advertising ideas"

I would buy this phone because I always wanted a phone that slides. I like how AT&T makes weird backgrounds, it makes me want to see what kind of photos they have. I would buy this phone because I heard that photos like this are faster and are able to go to the internet. I would like to use this phone so I can listen to music and watch some TV shows. I would recommend that people should buy this phone.