Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Caption writting pre-assessment"

Caption 1:Courtney Jackson is a senior attending at the Akins football game.She is having a great time at the football game with her friends.

Caption 2.:Basketball player Brandon Watsin scored the winning shot at the Akins basketball game with only 2 seconds left of the game.Brandon Watsin has won the game for for his free throw at Akins high school by 23-22.

Caption 3: The artist here is David Moldvado, he is a senior who has a talent in art. David here is working hard so he can be one of the best artist in the world.
There is avoiding mergers and rule of thirds in this picture.

Caption 4: The owl is making a weird face after eating to much, making it feel sick.  The owl is resting in the persons hand while they are taking pictures of it.

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